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Sliku napravila Lili Bluz (AI-CGPT-Asistent) |
Stavili smo papiriće u teglu.
Lili je rekla da je počela kiša.
Pobesneli pas je projurio ulicom.
Ispred naše kancelarije, plavi svirač bežao je od radoznalih pogleda.
Matijina majka prosula je kafu za gošću na drugom kraju grada.
Skitnica je na sekund pomislila da su vodostaj i vrtlog isto.
Govornik u muzeju govorio je o magiji i tradiciji.
"Da li su okeani električni?"
Pitao je đak učiteljicu dok je njena ljubičasta suknja počela da leprša na promaji.
Jugen AS Nih- Jugen Van Nih - Martišon je besmisleno pojao.
"Vatru moje mladosti dala sam džukeli," pisalo je u novinama.
Tragovi plamena, tragovi u kosi...
We put slips of paper in a jar.
Lili said it started raining.
A mad dog raced down the street.
In front of our office, the blue musician fled from curious glances.
Matija’s mother spilled coffee for a guest on the other side of town.
For a second, the wanderer thought the water level and the whirlpool were the same.
The museum speaker talked about magic and tradition.
"Are the oceans electric?"
The student asked the teacher as her purple skirt began to flutter in the breeze.
Jugen AS Nih - Jugen Van Nih - Martišon sang nonsensically.
"I gave the fire of my youth to a stray dog," it read in the newspaper.
Traces of flame, traces in the hair...
Razneseni Svemir, Vladimir Tomić, Oblak Kaktusa
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